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Australian Curriculum Global geography

Australian Curriculum Global geography

Australian Curriculum Global geography


Australian Curriculum Global geography is a four-book series that provides lesson plans and support resources to deliver a comprehensive and contemporary geography program that caters for the 21st century learner. Throughout the lessons, students will develop the capabilities required for active participation in our changing world, while using their inquiry skills to learn the content of the geography curriculum.


Each book is divided into four sections, relating to each content description of the Geography Knowledge and Understanding strand within the Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) curriculum. Each lesson follows an inquiry process guided by the HASS Inquiry and Skills strand, and incorporates ICT to investigate, create and communicate their understanding.

Teacher resource

For each lesson in the book, the Teacher page provides a guided lesson plan with suggested activities and discussion questions. Inquiry skills icons are shown next to the activities that require students to use their HASS inquiry skills—questioning, researching, analysing, evaluating and reflecting, and communicating.

HASS curriculum links and specific lesson objectives are stated on each Teacher page, as well as a list of resources used throughout the lesson. A 'travelling further' activity has also been provided for use as an extension activity or an alternative to the suggested lesson.

Student resources

Throughout the lessons, students are required to:

  • brainstorm and record questions using apps or online mind maps
  • research information online using interactive maps, tables and graphs; videos (including time-lapse videos); images; and informational websites (including government websites)
  • record research using apps and online T-charts, Venn diagrams and KWL charts
  • communicate understanding by creating digital presentations such as slide shows, blogs, animations, posters, videos, travel brochures, digital books or advertisements.

Student activity pages are incorporated to assist students in locating and recording key information.


Assessment is provided at the end of each section and is passport-themed. It may be used as a formative or summative assessment tool. Digital presentations may also be uploaded to a class website or emailed to the teacher for assessment purposes.


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