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Embrace Holiday Reading At Home with Reading for Me

Embrace Holiday Reading At Home with Reading for Me

Embrace Holiday Reading At Home with Reading for Me

It’s Day 19 of our Christmas Advent Calendar!


This month, we’re sharing special deals, festive classroom inspiration, and holiday-themed activities up until the 24th of December, so make sure you’re following us on Facebook and Instagram so that you don’t miss a single day!


Are you looking for something to do at home with the kids these school holidays? Parents and educators alike are loving our Reading for Me series.


Reading for Me is an easy-to-follow, read-at-home programme developed to be a simple way to provide and monitor reading homework.


‘Giving homework on the holidays?’ 


Rest assured, this is the fun kind of homework!


With over 60 original texts that cover three different text types (factual, imaginative, and persuasive), your children will never run out of interesting and engaging things to read. Texts cover a range of topics, including people, settings, and situations – from public figures like David Attenborough and the Beatles, to hobbies and interests like sports and technology!


Reading for Me fosters an early love of reading while also developing reader comprehension and vocabulary skills. Written in line with national literary standards, the series offers a structured reading experience perfect for building upon young readers' skills and confidence.


Our favourite thing about Reading for Me is the accompanying worksheet that enables parents and educators to monitor child reading success. These worksheets contain six comprehension questions that are literal, inferential, evaluative, and vocabulary-based!


Want to learn more about our Reading for Me texts? Take a look at some of our favourites:


‘Stop Bullies’

‘Stop Bullies’ is from Reading for Me Level 2 and is a factual or informative text, designed to inform, instruct, or influence through use of straightforward facts or information.


In this text, a number of statements are made, followed by explanations and details that back up these statements. It’s also an informative piece that teaches children to recall signs and symptoms of bullying, and how to seek help, in the accompanying worksheet questions.


In Reading for Me, factual texts can be explanations, information reports, procedural texts, instructions, recounts, and descriptions.


‘Tess Baked a Cake’

‘Tess Baked a Cake’ is from Reading for Me Level 1 and is an imaginative or literary text designed to entertain through the use of elements like style, artistic value, and language features.


This particular text is a poem that makes use of rhyming sentence endings. Tess puts a number of inedible items into her cake, making it a fun and silly read followed by the accompanying worksheet questions that ask the reader to recall certain words and question Tess’ cooking abilities.


In Reading for Me, imaginative texts can be literary descriptions or recounts, personal responses, fairy tales, reviews, and narratives in the form of plays, poems, or novels.


‘Public Speaking 101’

‘Public Speaking 101’ is from Reading for Me Level 4 and is a persuasive text designed to put forward a point of view and try to persuade the reader into taking that view.


This text shares a list of actions and advice one can take to overcome a fear of public speaking, aiming to persuade the reader to shift their mindset and perspective around it. In the accompanying worksheet questions, the reader is encouraged to share what they learned from the text, and how they could engage the people in their life to help them with public speaking.


In Reading for Me, persuasive texts can be expositions, discussions, advertisements, and debates.


Embrace Holiday Reading at Home This Summer

Reading for Me is quick and easy to implement at home, and there are no support materials required (so both parents and educators can deliver and monitor the work!)


Plus, there is a dedicated Reading for Me website portal, which is easy for children to use independently, allowing them to take control of their reading journey at home with a parent’s or educator’s assistance.


Explore the full range and inspire your readers to participate in holiday reading at home with our Reading for Me series today.


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