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Freebie Friday: Limerick competition

Freebie Friday: Limerick competition

Freebie Friday: Limerick competition

Happy Limerick Day, everyone! Who doesn't love a cheeky little limerick to put a smile on your face? We certainly do! But here at the office, we're tired of hearing the same old limericks, so we're putting it to you and your students to come up with some fresh ones.

This week's Freebie Friday is three blackline masters, with each page containing the first line of a limerick. To enter, simply print the pages, have students come up with their funniest limericks, and send them to mail@ricpublications.com.au (be sure to include your name, the student's first name, the year group and school, and email address).

The best limerick from lower (Foundation to Year 2), middle (Years 3 and 4) and upper primary (Years 5 and 6) will win a copy of Australian Curriculum Poetry relevant to their year level. Best hurry, as this competition ends Friday 19 May. The winning entries will be featured in the Freebie Friday post 26 May.

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Looking for limerick resources? Check out our poetry range below.

Fun with fairytales AC poetry Investigating poetry







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