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Harmony Day: Celebrating cultural diversity

Harmony Day: Celebrating cultural diversity

Harmony Day: Celebrating cultural diversity

Harmony Day is held every year on 21 March and is a respectful celebration of Australia's cultural diversity. The message of the day is everyone belongs. Harmony Day encourages people to participate in the community and foster a sense of belonging for everyone, and to respect cultural and religious diversity.

People from many different cultures call Australia home. This includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, the traditional owners of our land, and those who have come from other countries.

Design a Harmony Day T-shirt. Draw your design and colour it. Click on the image to download the PDF template.

Within our community, many cultures live together as Australians. Many differences exist and should be celebrated and embraced.

A mandala, like below, is a symbol that represents the universe.

  1. Colour the mandala in a way that represents you.
  2. Cut out the square and join it together with your classmates' to create a giant mandala to place on the classroom wall.

Every time you look at the artwork you will be reminded that no two people are the same, but our differences make our community beautiful. Click on the image below to download the template as a PDF.

How are you celebrating Harmony Day in your classroom? We would love to hear in the comments below.


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