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World Animal Day 2018

World Animal Day 2018

World Animal Day 2018

The mission of World Animal Day is to improve the welfare standards of all animals across the globe and raise awareness of an animal related issue.
It is a time to speak up for those who have no voice. If all the people in the world unite then the voice will be stronger and a difference can be made. This global movement can be used to make your students feel that they are part of something bigger and to know that they have the power to change things in the real world that they may not agree with.

Most students should be aware of the needs of animals and pets, and how it is up to humans to help those that can’t help themselves. What some students may not understand is that animals are similar to humans in that they are aware of their surroundings, their relationships with other living things and their bodily sensations including pain, hunger, cold or heat. They have feelings like us.

The day is celebrated in many different ways in different countries, so you can choose a suitable activity or event that works for your school or classroom. Educating children from a young age about the importance of animal welfare will help to keep this issue front and centre and hopefully eradicate any mistreatment of animals in the future.


How to take action

• Take a selfie for the animals to raise awareness of and status of animals around the world. Create a large frame to take a selfie with, using a piece of card, and include a pledge and a logo (https://www.worldanimalday.org.uk/world_animal_day_logo_in_your_language)
• Adopt an orangutan (https://www.orangutan.org.au/adopt/) to support its rehabilitation
• Raise money to sponsor an endangered animal through the World Wildlife Fund (https://donate.wwf.org.au/adopt)
• Hold regular fundraisers and use the funds to adopt an animal at Australia Zoo
• Organise an community walk for adopted pets
• Hold a pet food bake sale and raise money to donate to various organisations such as Animals Australia or RSPCA.
• Compile a class pet wall, and ask students to share what needs their pet has and why it is special to them
• Organise a trip to an animal shelter or local farm and create a video about the experience
• Research different products that are made from animals and discuss their feelings and thoughts about this and the ethical issues associated. Alternatively look at zoos and conduct a debate about the pros and cons for animal welfare
• Create a kahoot (https://kahoot.com/) quiz about the needs of animals and facts about the current endangered species around the world.


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