We've created a free school-week calendar pack that you can use as you like, to help make each week fun, productive and stress-free.
Suitable for Grade 1 to 6, this pack features:
Click on on the link below or one of the images to start downloading the free school-week calendar!
With two available sizes, decide which you'd like to print out! The A4 version is great for students' desks, whereas the A3 version works well as a poster.
Next, download and print the individual tokens. You can either print them on poster paper stock, or regular paper, and fortify it further by laminating. Once that's done, cut out each of the individual tokens and stick them onto the main poster using an adhesive. We have coloured and B/W version of the tokens, so your students have the opportunity to colour them if they wish.
Switch the tokens around as you fill out your students' week, or create your own tokens if you wish!
Need some advice on which resource can help your support your students in each area? Click on the area that you're interested in below to find key resources that can help you get going. Under each area, we've then split it further into the following types of resources:
Need even more guidance? Our dedicated consultants are always ready to have a chat! Get in touch today or tell us what you think about this freebie.