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Integrated Spoken Language - Book 1

Give your learners the chance to develop and reinforce their spoken language skills with our new four-book series Integrated spoken language. Through 25 entertaining and interactive themes, each with a variety of activities, learners can continue to build their spoken language abilities while having fun and relating to real-life scenarios.

Available for Early Years, Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2, this series will enhance previously-taught skills by allowing learners to immerse and extend themselves in relatable topics such as pets, rainy days, going to the dentist, under the sea and much more.


  • Each book contains 25 theme-based units focused around 25 separate poster images to appeal to the interests of learners.
  • Each unit presents a variety of engaging activities to develop and practise oral language skills, including role plays, barrier games, storycreation, debates and discussions.
  • Each unit contains photocopiable support materials for the activities that require them.
  • Each activity is linked to a specific Learning Outcome, enabling educators to select the activities and Learning Outcomes they want to
  • address with their class.
  • Each book is structured to allow flexibility of use: educators can select the activity/activities according to the Learning Outcomes theyhave planned in their Language programme of work. In addition, each theme is a stand-alone, so educators can decide on their ownsequence.


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